Caroline Bouquet
French artist - Artistic expression through painting, ink, collage, etching & printmaking. Publications : 3 Sketchbooks (HongKong, Sydney, Australia)
The French artist Caroline Bouquet has lived in many places around the world.
Painter and Printmaker, her work focuses on Cartography
With a Master’s in Fine Arts (Versailles) and a Doctorate in Sociology (Sorbonne), Caroline Bouquet has exhibited internationally over the past twenty years, with her work held in both public and private collections.
She authored 3 Publications (Texts and illustrations) : Hong Kong Five Senses , Mapping Sydney and Australia Elements.
Artistic references:
Delacroix for his skechbooks
Zao Wu Ki for his ink work
Victor Hugo, Rimbaud ,Victor Segalen and Baudelaire for their literary work.